Sunday, February 26, 2012

Apples in many stages of bloom

I have found that this year with one day at 87F and the next day at 50F my apple trees are very confused. This confusion has some of my apple trees still sleeping deeply, yet others are waking up, and still others are at various stages of bloom. With the Dorsett variety being the first to wake up and having many blooms before the Anna slowly deciding to come alive, cross pollination has been varied at best. Some fruit set has occurred, however it is very light at best. I could take it upon myself to make a trip into the orchard and make things happen by doing the work of the bees and use a feather or some other device and force the issue, but that is not my style. After all I am not doing this for a living this is just for fun and if my apple trees don't get a heavy fruit set then I guess that will have to be.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Do you feel lucky

Well I could start this post with how inconsistent the weather has been, hot temps everyday, very very dry, and did I mention how dry it is lately. I cannot remember a winter like this one has been, however with all of its shortcomings I have good news to report. That's right as I am sitting here in my chair, darkness has fell, and what do I hear on the roof? Its raining! Do you feel lucky? I do...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Apple blooms

I am going into my second leaf here in the low chill orchard and already have a show. I do not have anything to compare it with, however I am sure that having apple blossoms in the first weekend of February is unusual. Now don't get me wrong the trees in my orchard are not full of blooms and I guess you can have some blossoms at anytime thru the year when you live in a place like central Florida. It has only been a couple of weeks that I put my trees to sleep as you can see from a previous post but it seems I may be on my way to an early spring.