Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lemon tree is blooming

Here it is late December and you would think that most trees in the orchard would be fast asleep and ready for the winter. Not so in the backyard orchard in central Florida with some high temps at that 80F mark. High temps this time of year are generally around the low to mid 70F zone. I am just branching out to a couple of citrus trees to have some variety in the backyard orchard. I have noticed that the lemon tree is starting to show signs of going into bloom as you can see from the video. After getting posts from YT friend in southern California I guess it is not so unusual. Anyway I just wanted to share my experience on this unusual winter orchard bloom.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Very warm Christmas in the orchard

Well today was Christmas day but it almost felt like summer time. In the sunshine the temps were pushing 85 degrees and slightly humid. I would almost say unseasonably warm, but that would not be totally true because this is after all central Florida. I did a small video yesterday and made an orchard walk to show how my apple trees are staying in full leaf. I am not to sure how to address this if we don't get colder weather. I guess I will just have to be patient and hopefully it comes. Otherwise I may be left with the decision of pulling the leaves off the apple trees to force dormancy. Maybe it will not come to that and winter will set in over the next few weeks.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feels like fall today

I spent a little time this morning walking in my backyard orchard. Let me tell you if feels like fall lately. For Central Florida many times even when the temps are cool you just don't see the color. Well I have tried to make it a point the incorporate the color in my backyard orchard by planting trees and shrubs that show your eyes that it is fall. I am here to tell you it is working and I can't tell you how much it changes how I feel about this time of year (my favorite time).

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Orchard is growing in numbers

Yesterday I planted 3 more trees in my backyard orchard. I transplanted 1 tree to another location that seems to be having some issues. Back a couple of months ago aphids really attacked my trees and really punished a couple of them and 1 tree was killed. It seems as though the aphids may have spread a fire blight type of canker. Anyway I transplanted a tree that just seems to have not recovered. Maybe the new location will be better for this tree.
Well the garden is going to sleep I can tell everyday that the season is moving more to winter and the trees are starting to go dormant. Blueberries, crape myrtles, maple, elms, and muscadines in my garden are all giving up their leaves. Soon winter will be in full swing and shorter days and cool nights will be the rule. I love this time of year and look forward to it. Live everyday as though it was just for you.